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10 things in life you should always keep private, according to psychology

4 min read

Not everything needs to be shared with others, especially when it comes to personal details. Psychology shows that keeping some things private can actually help both our personal and professional lives.

1) Personal grievances

We’ve all had moments when we’ve felt wronged.

It’s natural to want to vent, to share our frustrations and seek validation from others. But psychology suggests that this could do more harm than good.

Rehashing personal disagreements or conflicts in public might provide temporary relief, but in the long run, it can damage relationships and create a negative image of you.

Confiding in a trusted friend or family member is one thing, but broadcasting your personal grievances to the world? That’s another story.

Being mindful about who you share these issues with can help maintain healthy relationships and a positive self-image.

2) Romantic Relationships

Love can be an elating experience, and it’s only natural to want to share it with the world.

But, let’s take a page out of my own life. I remember when I first started dating my partner. I was head over heels in love and wanted everyone to know about it. But over time, I realized that by sharing every little detail, I was inviting others into our relationship.

Every relationship has its ups and downs. And when you’re in a down phase, those who know about your every move might form their own judgments, adding unnecessary stress.

Through my experience, I’ve learned that keeping the intricacies of your love life private can save you from unwanted opinions and protect the sanctity of your relationship.

No matter how tempting it may be to share your love story with the world, some things are better kept between you and your partner.

3) Financial Status

Money, they say, makes the world go round. It’s a crucial part of our lives, but discussing it openly can often lead to unwanted problems.

Contrary to the culture of flaunting wealth on social media platforms, psychology advises keeping your financial status discreet. Sharing too much about your earnings, savings, or spending habits can lead to comparisons, judgments, and even potential scams.

Did you know that according to a report by the Federal Trade Commission in 2019, people lost $667 million to impostor scams? Many of these started with fraudsters gathering financial information shared online.

While it’s important to be transparent about money matters with your spouse or financial advisor, it’s equally important to keep them private from the rest of the world.

4) Future Plans

Excitement about the future is infectious. We often want to share our dreams and plans with everyone around us. But sometimes, keeping them to ourselves can be more beneficial.

Sharing your goals prematurely can lead to a barrage of opinions and advice, some of which may demotivate or even distract you. Also, the satisfaction of revealing your plans can sometimes decrease the motivation to actually achieve them.

Keeping your future plans to yourself ensures that you stay focused and driven. It also adds an element of surprise for others when you finally achieve your goals. So, work in silence and let your success make the noise.

5) Medical History

Health is a personal matter. While it’s essential to share pertinent information with doctors and close family, it’s not necessary to divulge your complete medical history to everyone you meet.

Disclosing health issues can lead to unsolicited advice, unnecessary worry, or even social stigma, especially when it comes to mental health. It’s also worth considering that medical information can be sensitive and may be used unethically if it falls into the wrong hands.

When it comes to your health, discretion is key. Share what’s needed with those who need to know, and keep the rest private for your peace of mind.

6) Good deeds

Helping others can bring immense joy and satisfaction. It’s a beautiful act that speaks volumes about your character. But when good deeds are publicized, they can lose their sincerity.

Doing good for the sake of recognition or praise takes away from the genuine intention of helping others. It can also make those you’re assisting feel uncomfortable or indebted.

The value of a good deed lies in its impact, not in its publicity. When you do something kind, let the act itself be the reward. It’s these secret acts of kindness that truly touch hearts and make a difference.

7) Personal Beliefs

We all have our own set of beliefs and values that guide us in life. These can be deeply personal and unique to us.

I remember a time when I was questioned about my spiritual beliefs. It was a casual conversation that quickly turned into a debate, leaving me feeling exposed and defensive.

Sharing your personal beliefs can open you up to unnecessary debates, criticisms, or judgments from others who may not understand or agree with your perspective.

Respecting diversity means understanding that not everyone needs to know or agree with your beliefs. By keeping them private, you protect your inner peace and avoid potential conflicts.

8) Failures and Mistakes

In a world that celebrates success, it might seem odd to keep your failures private. After all, isn’t it through mistakes that we learn and grow?

However, not everyone needs to know about every stumble or fall you’ve had along the way. While it’s okay to share lessons learned from past mistakes, diving into every detail can invite unnecessary pity or judgment.

Your mistakes do not define you. They’re merely stepping stones on your journey. By focusing on the lessons rather than broadcasting the failures, you maintain control over your narrative and uphold your self-esteem.

9) Family Issues

Family is something close to our hearts, and it’s often natural to share aspects of our family lives. But when it comes to family issues or disputes, it’s wise to keep them within the family.

Publicizing family problems can lead to unwanted advice, gossip, and even potential harm if the information reaches the wrong people. It can also strain family relationships, as not everyone might be comfortable with their issues being shared publicly.

Resolving family issues privately maintains respect for all involved and prevents unnecessary external influences. Every family has its challenges, but it’s how we handle them that truly matters.

10) Personal Secrets

Everyone has secrets. They’re a part of who we are. But sharing these can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences.

Personal secrets are personal for a reason. They’re often linked to our deepest fears, desires, or experiences. Revealing them can leave us feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Guard your secrets. They are a part of your individuality, your story. By keeping them close, you respect your own privacy and maintain control over your narrative. After all, some things are meant to stay just with us.

The Power of Privacy

Our lives are intricately woven with threads of experiences, beliefs, and emotions. While sharing some of these threads can foster connections and understanding, keeping certain ones private can be equally empowering.

Privacy isn’t about hiding or suppressing parts of ourselves. It’s about choosing what we reveal and to whom, setting boundaries that respect our individuality and well-being.

Psychology emphasizes that privacy can help maintain healthy relationships, protect our mental health, and even bolster our self-esteem.

In the words of psychologist Abraham Maslow, “Privacy is not something that I’m merely entitled to, it’s an absolute prerequisite.”

So as you navigate through life’s myriad experiences, remember the power of privacy. What we choose to share is important, but equally so is what we choose to keep to ourselves.


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